Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Repurposing: Tea Cup Holder

about a month ago, i got a set of 4 glass teacups (which i have always wanted) for 25cents each! yay consignment! and of course, i wanted to display them. i've had this jewelry tree forever, but i don't use it anymore (more on what i do use later). so i went to my go to home solution (white spray paint) and ta da! i like to keep it a bit choppy, i don't like things that look too new, so i let the paint have a bit of variety and texture. a perfect fit. ^_^

Friday, February 17, 2012

What I'm Wearing 3

a bit late but....
for this day, i was really feeling some pattern. i decided to disregard all fashion rules and go for what felt right. and i am super glad i did. this is now one of my favorite outfits.

and of course, for an outfit like this, you must have a snail necklace.

both the top and the cardigan were free from my bff ♥
skirt: ross
shoes: ross
belt: t.j.maxx

Wardrobe Wednesday at SailorSpy.co.nz

Friday, February 3, 2012

Stamped Fabric Napkins

Michael's craft store=best thing ever. for $1, i got the stamps that helped me make these awesome cloth napkins.

do i have a dining room? no. do i have a table? no. do i have a bar/nook at which to eat? no. do i sit on tatami mats in my living room at my coffee table to eat? yes i do, thank you brother-in-law in Japan.
but one day, i will have a table, and why not make some awesome custom cloth napkins?

the cloth was one large square from the dollar tree. its a rough durable material, actually feels like something between cheesecloth and burlap.

i love the mix of the unfinished-esque fabric and the graphic stamps. it gives them an industrial farmhouse kind of look, which may one day be my house theme....starting something? i think so.

very simple process: cut fabric into 4 parts, fold into desired shape, stamp! and ta da! for a total of $5, i have these super cute napkins that match a bunch of other things i have (more on that to come).

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What I'm Wearing 2

February's theme at Wardrobe Wednesday is love. this outfit started with the infinity scarf. it was a gift from one of my teacher friends. i paired it with a vintage skirt (thrift store find) in the same color palette. the top is a neutral dress shirt over a plain black tee.

i love this necklace. i snatched this "pendant" from a bag of potpourri in a thrift store....i just wanted the pendant decoration, i didn't want to buy the potpourri... i strung it up on a simple green ribbon and ta da! and just perfect for this month's theme.

the piece is love the most is my skirt. i got this in high school to go with all the hippie crap i used to wear. it's nice to see that i can still make it wearable with some more of my current styles.
 my tights are gray to match the shirt and the shoes are brown.
very nice and airy, which is great, because today January decided it wanted to be 70 degrees. 

Wardrobe Wednesday at SailorSpy.co.nz


i have a ton of old bottles and jars, so i made some of these awesome terrariums. for mine  i used 3 different sized jars. i added some pebbles, dirt and then moss on top. i placed a butterfly and a tiny deer inside a couple of them, and ta da! i am happy with them, i think they are cute.